Home Land Security: Art in the Parks
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I’ve been a little weary about listening to the upcoming political debates. The ability to talk about complicated issues in a compassionate, nuanced way is a skill that seems to be atrophying within a political climate of catch-phrases and name-calling. I sometimes avoid tough conversations, not because these issues aren’t important to me, but because I don’t know how to argue against a sound-bite. And it’s not just me avoiding conflicting perspectives. As more and more Americans rely on the internet for news, we’re becoming overly reliant on algorithms that feed us information and viewpoints similar to our own. We’re trapped in our own social-media fueled echo chambers.
That’s why I’m excited about the new Home Land Security exhibit happening in a number of former military structures at the Golden Gate National Recreational Area. This free art exhibit explores complicated issues about home, national security, and borders. As a black woman, I have a lot of privilege around these issues – one particular privilege being that I frequently don’t have to think about them. I can go anywhere in the U.S., and no one questions my immigration status, or whether it’s safe to fly on a plane with me. Up until now, I haven’t spent much time reflecting on issues like immigration, but it’s time for that to change. I need to break free from my own echo-chamber. This exhibit is a timely opportunity to reflect on pressing national concerns like Syrian refugees and immigration reform. It’s a safe place for me to consider other perspectives while challenging my own beliefs.
Art is a powerful medium to explore place and the current issues of today. The art in Home Land Security seems particularly poignant, in that it’s housed within former military barracks on National Park land. What better place to talk about home, than in our National Parks – democratic spaces owned by all Americans?
Home Land Security features 18 artists from 11 different countries, and is open until December 18th. This exhibit is a collaboration between the FOR-SITE Foundation, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Presidio Trust.
This exhibit is also a part of the National Parks Service’s Art in the Parks programming. If you would like to learn how to utilize the power of art in green spaces, the Institute at Golden Gate will be co-hosting an upcoming Art in the Parks webinar on September 29, 2016 from 10:00 – 11:00 AM PDT.
Join me in learning more about national security, borders, and how these issues shape our identities and perceptions of home. Challenge yourself to have a more complicated (and courageous) conversation.