At this point, is it safe to assume that the term “social determinants of health” is readily understood? What about “social determinants of park use?” Can we also work towards consensus that these two terms describe the same barriers, for both health and parks?
Last week, during the City Parks Alliance Greater and Greener Conference, National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis announced the launch of their Urban Agenda.
In honor of National Women's Health Week, we're shedding light on a structural issue that comes at the intersection of women's health and park use. Namely, we're wondering where are all the women in parks.
Since 2014, the Climate Literacy Collaborative has brought together over 25 organizations from around the Bay Area, committed to creating impactful climate programming.
In May, 30 professionals gathered in Yosemite National Park to pioneer a solution-based conversation about inclusion, relevancy, and diversity in outdoor spaces.
At the Institute, we look at health inequity and climate change as imperative social issues, particularly now that mounding research is illustrating how the two are inextricably linked.
As a small but mighty team, we realize that to have the biggest possible impact, we need to work with other organizations to achieve our collective goals.